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The Impact of Covid-19 on Organisational Learning


Covid-19 has had a significant impact on pretty much most business practices as well as to people’s personal lives. In November 2020, we sought to study the impact of Covid-19 on learning and development specifically. This paper presents the results of the study, and is freely available to download and use. Get it immediately by downloading below.


Some numbers.

We had 155 respondents, from 24 different countries.

85% of organisations moved to virtual learning.

42% saw no change to their budget, where 20% had a significant reduction.

36% introduced improved digital learning offerings.

Some thoughts.

This definite shift to more direct support is a strong indication that traditional methodologies such as learning needs analysis are limited in their scope.

Genuine performance enhancing solutions require L&D to be business partners and they require L&D to properly understand and believe in digital’s potential.